American Diabetes Association

Starch Digestion-Related Amylase Genetic Variants, Diet, and Changes in Adiposity: Analyses in Prospective Cohort Studies and a Randomized Dietary Intervention

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posted on 2020-06-03, 13:40 authored by Ada AdminAda Admin, Yoriko Heianza, Tao Zhou, Yuhang Chen, Tao Huang, Walter C Willett, Frank B. Hu, George A. Bray, Frank M Sacks, Lu Qi
Salivary amylase, encoded by the AMY1 gene, is responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates. We investigated associations of the AMY1 genetic variations with general and central adiposity changes considering dietary carbohydrate intake among 32054 adults from 4 prospective cohort studies. A genetic risk score (GRS) was calculated based on nine AMY1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, with higher AMY1-GRS indicating higher activity of salivary amylase. We meta-analyzed interactions between AMY1-GRS and dietary intake for changes in general and central adiposity over 5.5–10 years. We found that carbohydrate food intake significantly altered associations of AMY1-GRS with changes in body mass index (Pinteraction=0.001) and waist circumference (Pinteraction <0.001). Results were consistent and significant in female cohorts rather than in male cohorts. Among women, higher AMY1-GRS was associated with more increases in adiposity if dietary carbohydrate food intake was high, while higher AMY1-GRS was associated with less gains in adiposity when the dietary intake was low. Also, in a 2-year randomized dietary intervention trial, associations of AMY1-GRS with changes in weight (Pinteraction=0.023) and waist circumference (Pinteraction=0.037) were significantly modified by carbohydrate intake. Our results suggest the importance of precision nutrition strategies considering participants’ genetic adaptation to carbohydrate-rich diets in regulating general and central adiposity.


The study is supported by NIH grants from the National Cancer Institute (UM1 CA186107, UM1 CA167552, R01 CA137178, P01 CA87969, R01 CA49449), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01 HL034594, R01 HL35464, R01 HL088521, HL071981, HL126024), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (DK091718, DK100383, DK078616, DK098311, DK115679), the Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center (DK46200), and United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant 2011036.
