In diabetic pathology, insufficiency in β-cell mass
unable to meet peripheral insulin demand and functional defects of individual β
cells to produce insulin are often concurrently observed, collectively causing hyperglycemia.
Here we show that the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 is significantly decreased in
the islets of db/db mice as well as
in those of a cohort of subjects with type 2 diabetes. In mice with abrogation
of ERK signaling in pancreatic β cells through deletion of Mek1 and Mek2, glucose
intolerance aggravates under high-fat diet-fed conditions due to insufficient
insulin production with lower β-cell proliferation and reduced β-cell mass,
while in individual β cells dampening of the number of insulin exocytosis
events is observed, with the molecules involved in insulin exocytosis being less
phosphorylated. These data reveal bifunctional roles for MEK/ERK signaling in β
cells for glucose homeostasis, i.e., in regulating β-cell mass as well as in
controlling insulin exocytosis in individual β cells, thus providing not only a
novel perspective for the understanding of diabetes pathophysiology but also a potential
clue for new drug development for diabetes treatment.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant number JP16K19067 (granted to YMI) and JP19K16547 (granted to YMI); National Center for Global Health and Medicine Grant number 29-1021 (granted to YMI) and 20A1011 (granted to YMI).