Projecting the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes–Related End-Stage Kidney Disease Until 2040: A Comparison Between the Effects of Diabetes Prevention and the Effects of Diabetes Treatment
Research Design and Methods: We developed a life table model to project the incidence of ESKD-D for type 2 diabetes in Australia until 2040. We projected incident ESKD-D under three separate scenarios: a large-scale lifestyle modification program for diabetes prevention; a population-wide sugar-sweetened beverage tax for diabetes prevention; and widespread use of SGLT2is among people with diabetes.
Results: Assuming current trends, the annual incidence of ESKD-D was projected to increase from 3.7 per 100,000 of the general population in 2014 to 5.7 by 2040. Incorporating the diabetes prevention approaches, the annual incidence of ESKD-D was projected to be between 5.2 and 5.5 per 100,000 population by 2040. When we modelled scenarios in which 50% and 70% of eligible people with diabetes were prescribed an SGLT2i, the annual incidence of ESKD-D by 2040 was projected to be 4.7 and 4.3 per 100,000 population, respectively. SGLT2is were projected to reduce the total number of incident ESKD-D cases between 2020 and 2040 by 12-21% compared to current trends, whereas diabetes prevention reduced cases by 1-3%.
Conclusions: It is likely
that the number of people developing ESKD-D will increase over the coming
decades, although widespread SGLT2i use will be effective at limiting this
increase. Diabetes prevention will be crucial to prevent an ever-increasing
burden of diabetes complications.