American Diabetes Association

Haptoglobin Genotype Does Not Confer a Risk of Stroke in Type 1 Diabetes

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posted on 2022-09-09, 20:21 authored by Anna Syreeni, Emma H. Dahlström, Stefanie Hägg-Holmberg, Carol Forsblom, Marika I. Eriksson, Valma Harjutsalo, Jukka Putaala, Per-Henrik Groop, Niina Sandholm, Lena M. Thorn, on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Group

The exon copy number variant in the haptoglobin gene is associated with cardiovascular and kidney disease. For stroke, previous research is inconclusive. We aimed to study the relationship between haptoglobin Hp1/2 genotype and stroke in individuals with type 1 diabetes from the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study. We included two partially overlapping cohorts: one with haptoglobin genotypes determined using genotyping for 179 stroke cases and 517 matched controls, and the other using haptoglobin genotype imputation for a larger cohort of 500 stroke cases and 3,806 controls. We observed no difference in the Hp1-1, Hp2-1, and Hp2-2 genotype frequencies between the stroke cases and controls, neither in the genotyping nor the imputation cohorts. Haptoglobin genotypes were also not associated with the ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke subtypes. In our imputed haptoglobin cohort, 61% of individuals with stroke died during follow-up. However, the risk of death was not related to the haptoglobin genotype. Diabetic kidney disease and cardiovascular events were common in the cohort, but the haptoglobin genotypes were not associated with stroke when stratified by these complications. To conclude, the Hp1/2 genotypes did not affect the risk of stroke or survival after stroke in our type 1 diabetes cohort.


This study was supported by the Folkhälsan Research Foundation, Wilhelm and Else Stockmann Foundation, Liv och Hälsa Society, Helsinki University Hospital Research Funds (TYH2018207), Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF OC0013659), Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, the Academy of Finland (299200 and 316664), and the Aarne Koskelo Foundation.


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