American Diabetes Association

Family history of diabetes and clinical characteristics in children at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes – a Swedish population-based study

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posted on 2024-09-20, 16:37 authored by Emma Hedlund, Jasaman Tojjar, Lisa Lilja, Helena Elding Larsson, Gun Forsander, Johnny Ludvigsson, Claude Marcus, Fredrik Norström, Martina Persson, Annelie Carlsson

Objective: To compare the prevalence of parental diabetes between children with and without type 1 diabetes, and to compare clinical characteristics at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children with, versus without, a family history of diabetes. Research Design and Methods: Parental diabetes among children with type 1 diabetes was compared with a general population cohort. Clinical characteristics were compared by family history of diabetes in parents and grandparents of 3,603 children with type 1 diabetes using relative risk and ANOVA. Results: Children with type 1 diabetes more often had parents with type 2 diabetes (RR 1.88, p<0.001) than children without diabetes. Children with type 1 diabetes and a family history of type 2 were more likely to be overweight or obese (p=0.002). Conclusion: A family history of type 2 diabetes and being overweight may contribute to increased risk of type 1 diabetes.


The study was financially supported by grants from the The Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation (Barndiabetesfonden), the Samariten foundation for paediatric research, and from Region Skånes research and development fund. No conflict of interest has been reported by the authors.
