American Diabetes Association

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Initiation Within First Year of Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis Is Associated With Improved Glycemic Outcomes: 7-Year Follow-Up Study

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Version 2 2022-01-11, 22:09
Version 1 2022-01-11, 22:09
posted on 2022-01-11, 22:09 authored by Anagha Champakanath, Halis Kaan Akturk, G. Todd Alonso, Janet K Snell-Bergeon, Viral N Shah
Objective: To evaluate long-term glycemic outcomes of CGM initiation within the first year of type 1 diabetes.

Research Design and Methods: 396 patients with type 1 diabetes were divided into three groups; 1) CGM [CGM use within one year of diabetes and continued through the study], 2) no-CGM [no CGM use throughout the study], 3) new-CGM [CGM use after 3 years of diabetes] and were followed up to 7-years.

Results: A1c was significantly lower in CGM compared to no-CGM group throughout 7 years of follow-up [LS mean A1cs (%): 6-month 7.3 vs 8.1, 1-year 7.4 vs 8.6, 2-year 7.7 vs 9.1, 3-year 7.6 vs 9.3, 4-year 7.4 vs 9.6, 5-year 7.6 vs 9.7, 6-year 7.5 vs 10.0 and 7-year 7.6 vs 9.8, all p<0.001] adjusting for age at diagnosis, sex, and insulin delivery method.

Conclusion: CGM initiation within first year of type 1 diabetes results in long-term improvement in A1c.


Part of this work is funded by the investigator-initiated grant to the University of Colorado by Dexcom Inc.


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